Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Reason of This....

Okay. So I started this blog because I was inspired by my best friend who has struggled with many problems throughout her life. In the midst of her struggle, I had to have strength that she'd be okay, and I could only look to God for help. 
Of course, I thought if I didn't think about it, it wouldn't actually happen. But turns out it was still going on even if I couldn't make myself believe it. I looked at her as she was doing everything, saying to myself, she'll be fine in a couple of weeks, then months, but that didn't happen. 
So I had to look up to God for help and I'm so glad I did, cause during all of that I would be a wreck. 
Psalms 46:1 is a great verse to live by. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
Its wonderful to hear that even if things are going bad in your life, whether be you parents fighting all the time, your friend is having issues, you're doing terrible in school, or even if you break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, you have something rather SOMEONE to hold your hand through all of this

All in all, this blog is to find strength in God, no matter what circumstances may come your way, and I hope you will read this, and have a great day!

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