Tuesday, April 12, 2011


^ this is the times when i feel like life is just plain annoying.

Then again I have those days where I'm like, "Life is good".

Yeah....today is the first example...

Today started off good, I woke up at a decent time, got ready for school, and had a good half of the day. But then lunch came. My throat started itching. Now it just burns. I just got a headache, it was a rainy day, and I have homework to still be touched.
One thing good came out of this day: I gotta hang with my friend Kayla, and where I found out something shocking but adorable! Oh and she whooped my butt in Just Dance 2. No big deal.

Days like these I just want to crawl in a ball with covers, have a peaceful movie or sleepy kind of songs, and fall asleep. Everyone has that, I just happen to have one today. Yay me... I'm also freezing while I'm typing on my warm laptop, I wouldn't even know...

I don't have anything else to say, this is one of those day to day blogs saying whats going on in your life.
I feel like this blog should be a combo of this, offering advice to those who need it, and if they want to talk about there day when no one seems to care, I'll listen.

thanks for reading this pretty boring blog post today, i commend you.

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