The word "perfect" implies without flaws, or having the perfect life: having a great job & pay, great spouse, awesome kids, healthy family, gorgeous looks, but everyone knows you can't have ALL of that and them some.
If you have ever listened to the song "Perfect" by Simple Plan, or if you haven't (you should), you hear the kid's saying to his dad,
"I'm never gonna be good enough for youI can't pretend thatI'm alrightAnd you can't change me'Cuz we lost it all Nothing lasts foreverI'm sorry I can't be perfect"Or if you have heard P!nk's new song, F**kin` Perfect, she wants to make sure, that NO ONE out there feels less that perfect, because they are perfect to her.

These songs are just a few of how people aren't perfect, but there is one person who is. Jesus Christ.
He was like us, human, being tempted to do what others said, but he resisted and followed the plans of his Father, God.
God cares about you, and despite your flaws, he loves you, more than anyone can. During hard times you kinda feel hopeless, depressed, and especially if you feel you cannot change what is going on.
This is what I felt during my friend's issues, not that I didn't love her, I mean shes my BEST FRIEND, but the feeling of hopelessness overwhelmed me, and sometimes I just wanted to run away and forget all that is happening. Too bad I couldn't, because she is my best friend, and best friends just don't 'bug' out on best friends. And I'm so happy to say that my friend came back to her faith, and she's like a whole new person!
Okay back to the word PERFECT.
Romans 3:23: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (ESV)This verse means that everyone, even the people who are the sweetest, most caring people out there fall short of God's glory, but with God's mercy you have a chance to live with him for eternity.
You may not be perfect, but in God's eyes you are.
Thats finding strength when you feel less than perfect, God sees you as perfectly made, and nothing can change that.
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