There are some things you just absolutely ADORE, some things you are IFFY on, and some things you LOATHE.
Biology fits in the last category for me.
I hate it.
I don't mind the whole figuring out how cells make more cells and how we make energy, but I seriously could live without knowing it. When I'm 25, I highly doubt I'll even know what the heck a mitochondria is, or even to remember how the heck you spell it.
Overall, I feel like biology is a waste of time, I wish you can just skip it like you can do in earth science if you don't really like learning about rocks. (THATS GNEISS<--thanks to Mr. Sheehan, the ONLY teacher who would make rocks a fun subject)
I SHOULD be writing a conclusion on Darwin's findings about birds. Blah. I'm sorry, but I do not like birds. They fall in the loathe category as well. Birds to me are either: 1. FREAKY. 2. CUTE or 3. MEAN.
Freaky by the means of a bird swooping towards you
Cute by the colors and how chubby those feathery things are
& Mean by the way they like to POOP on you.. NOT THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD.
So I'm just venting my feelings towards biology and can't wait for chemistry next year, where I use math. I'll admit it, I'm a math geek. BOY DO I LOVE NUMBERS. (thats a turn on for boys...) I'm just not so keen on the whole science ordeal, especially from 8th grade on....
All and All,
I LOATHE BIOLOGY. (and my biology teacher...don't get me started on her....)
ps. i picked the color purple because i also do not like it. Lame, I know. :)
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