Monday, April 25, 2011

Old Blog #2 JANUARY!!

Today we had a 2 hour delay. What a marvelous delay it was! Sleeping till 9 was very blissful!  I felt like I did nothing productive today but oh well! I finished Karen Kingsbury’s book, The Red Gloves Collection. Christmastime this year I want to go to a senior center and figure out which ones have little or no visits and learn something from them.  That’s my goal next year as a junior and hope to do that! Well I must go to sleep because I have a history and math test tomorrow. YAY! Last day of interior design also L That was the best class and teacher ever. But I’m sure we (Ashley and I) are going to say hi to Mrs. Taylor A LOT! HAHAHA J
Snow days are lazy days. You get up late, thank the Lord that you have another day to do your homework and watch TV all day. Well atleast that’s what I did. I watched Nanny McPhee returns, and The Country Bears, then went upstairs to play Just Dance 2 then came back down to watch some random TV shows. I studied last night for my driver’s ed test and I think I’ll do well, with the Lord’s help. Tomorrow is going to be super easy due to driver’s ed then study hall. (where I will start my English essay…) I’m hoping we get regular school just because I want exams over with because I’m going to snow camp in PA this weekend and then will come back to take my interior design and biology exams. Barf! Well now I need to go to sleep, waking up at 7:10 won’t be the easiest since I slept till 10. Gave myself a heart attack almost when I looked at the clock because if it was a 2 hour delay, I would have to leave my house at 10:15, no way would I be ready in time.
Goodnight <3
WOW. I haven’t blogged in what seems like forever! Big news since January: My friend has accepted God and Jesus back into her life,(PRAISE THE LORD) & I’m GETTING MY LICENSE IN 9 DAYS, I got a haircut, and am now in gourmet foods! Hahaha not the biggest news but pretty new!

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