Here's's version:
excellent of its kind: a beautiful putt on the seventh hole;The chef served us a beautiful roast of beef.
wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.
Good to know eh? Well I feel terrible for all those girls who feel ugly, just because of society's look on beauty. BUT in terms of this, ANY GIRL ANYWHERE IS! Society's opinion can go die in a hole. Haha
No girl should feel so worthless of her self image to resort to such horrible things, such as eating disorders, hurting, and just going into a depression. I felt compelled to write this because I hear on the monitor that we have in our house about these kids out here who either "attempted suicide" or "ODed" about EVERY DAY. Thats no way to live.Thats why I want to help kids, and especially those in social care. Social workers get a bad reputation for taking kids away from their parents, who cannot help them. But as one I want to go to the extra mile to help the parents get back on their feet and get their kids back. Nothing is more tragic than loosing your own baby girl or baby boy just because of some stupid mistakes.
Also, to keep you updated in my life, I'm working (which feels like all the time) but some people need to chill when they're at the checkout! I never realized but some just need to do the self checkouts so that innocent cashiers like me don't get spoken to in such a harsh way. Its not my fault the watermelon rolled. Its not my fault I have to ask you about donating. And one thing is donating a dollar for a purchase isn't so bad, unless you've done it like 5 times, then thats okay. But seriously people, KIDS NEED HELP OUT THERE. and you guys in your fancy cars and houses and high dollar jobs cant just donate a stickin dollar? What has America come to?
Schools almost out. THANK THE LORD!
This is the part of my blog where i put a great song up! well here it is! <--click it (: & i got another one! <--awesomeness.

ps. the picture is one i took to hold a BABY DRAGON! i want one!!
what about you?!
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