I have nothing that awesome to say so I'll just write 20 random things about me.

1. My name is Casey
2. My favorite color is orange
3. I play volleyball
4. I love mexican food- tacos=YUMMY
5. I have 3 siblings, 1 little sister, and 1 older and 1 younger brother (my lil bro is the pic ->>
6. I have redhair- so does 4/6 people in my family
7. Because I have red hair, I do not tan (sad but true)
8. I have a dimple on the left side near my mouth
9. I LOVE ICE. i know weird...
10. I'm left handed
11. I'm still in high school
12. I really want to dance right now
13. Today I biked 10 miles- CHAMPION
14. My favorite television show is Off the Map ( a doctor type show in that takes place in South America)
15. I want to go bungee jumping off a bridge in Europe <- top thing on my bucket list
16. I love Hawk Nelson, they are my favorite band
17. I have a cat- shes a long-haired something...i dont remember what breed...
18. I love yorkies!
19. I've never understood why the chicken crossed the road...
20. I can't wait for summer- long days, warm nights, bonfires, swimming, sleeping in, sand, AWESOMENESS.
comment if you have anything AWESOME about you that you would like to share! Maybe you own an albino ferret? I saw one today...random i know....